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Palm Food Containers

Thermoform Kapaklı Gıda Ambalajı

The products of this company are decomposed by microorganisms and, therefore, help to solve both our waste is an environmentally friendly alternative to polluting palm food containers made of polystyrene and to solve the long-standing problem of waste from empty fruit bundles (EFB).

A well thought out good package usually has the following characteristics:
1. Good packaging is not too heavy and has a design and dimensions that may cause inconvenience to customers. Thus, convenience is a good packaging feature.
2. Security: Good packaging should be done in such a way as to ensure absolute safety when protecting the product.
3. Adaptability: It is said that packaging is good if it is not difficult to store it in an aluminium or refrigerated cabinet. Such adaptability of packaging, of course, is one of its characteristics.
4. Reliability: Good packaging should have a peculiarity in the mind of customers to ensure that the content must be of standard quality.
5. Condition: Good packaging enhances the prestige of a person carrying well packaged products. This is an additional feature that good packaging should have for better marketing.
6. Aesthetics: Retail palm food containers should immediately draw attention. The real story of the product is one of the features of the packaging that will create consumer confidence. Packaging must be clean, sanitary with a protective lining. Convenience is one of the most distinctive features of shelf packaging, and buyers should have the feeling that packers have good value for themselves.

Benefits Of Packaging:
1. The greatest advantage or advantage of packaging is the convenience of the buyer of the goods. Good packaging helps to easily transport packaged products.
2. Packaging helps branding and advertising. The label can be well printed in well packaged packaging. Good packaging also reduces the need for advertising. Indirect packaging helps increase the demand for well packaged goods.
3. The packaging protects the product from external elements that may damage the product.
4. Packaging may be useful when reused to store other materials.
5. Packaging reduces marketing costs. Transport losses are much less in good packaging; therefore, the cost of marketing will be lower.
6. Quantity and quality can be improved thanks to good packaging. When the amount of packaging is good and the quality remains unchanged, the amount of the product is least affected by external natural institutions that are detrimental to the quality of the product.
7. Consumer and consumer packaging also offers several advantages that will help not only good marketing, but also a strong and reliable business environment with shades that make the business.

Food Storage Containers
Palm food containers contain small items that can be placed directly on your counter or in your refrigerator. Such food storage containers will help you organize your shelf space and store food and beverages. Most of these functional containers are round, square or rectangular.

Special food storage: These food containers are designed for more unique foods. Imagine products that have strange shapes and that are difficult to put in a standard container. Products such as bread, hamburger patties, pizza and pastries have complex shapes that are harder to store. With the help of special palm food containers for food storage, you can easily find a container that exactly matches the shape of your dish.

Buckets for the refrigerator: Having a conventional refrigerator can facilitate the process of cooking and cooking. It’s nice to have quick access to the right materials in a hurry. Product boxes create a separate space for all products that need to be cooled and stored fresh.

Storage of bulk products: if you have a large family or you usually feed large groups of people, it is better to buy in bulk. We offer large quantities of food and food stores for people. As you will notice, most of these products are larger in size to accommodate more products than the standard palm food containers mentioned above.